Friday, February 20, 2009


I thought about using the title, "My Heart Will Go On", but I think everyone knows how I feel about Celine Dion. Just Say No!

Anyway, there was a bloodbath today at my office. 10 partners, 9 associates, and 35 staff let go. I'm fine, but I sure don't feel good. I know that every person who did loose their job really needed it. And I know how difficult it will be to find a job in this economy. I'm riddled with survivor's guilt, and sick with the knowledge that this might not be the last of the bloodletting and next time it could be me.


Moorecat said...

Aidan -

Not quite as bad at my office, but they got rid of three people who I really enjoyed working with.

These days, I can't even give you more detail than that; who wants to be dooced for a blog comment?

My heart is with you and your family in this worrying time, and I hope you can fly below the radar.

Sarah said...

We had downsizing at my office last year. It is very tough to see people let go and hard to not feel guilty for surviving.

Leslie said...

Although there are only 4 of us in the office (and 1 of those is the general manager) there's a good chance that I'll be reduced to 32 hours/week for the "slow season" - meaning now until August.

I could take it if the health insurance went down 20% but you know that's not going to happen...

blueyed wench said...

Ouch. I am waiting for the shoe to drop over here - a career in the arts does not seem feasible right now.

Anonymous said...

oh man, aidan...I am so sorry to hear this...stay strong!

Cheri said...

We went through this in May when my husband was let go, the entire company was sold a couple of months ago, but not before they let nearly everyone go. I agree with anne marie, stay strong!

BertandFelix said...

I know what you mean. I work for a large firm and we went through 3 rounds last year. Doesn't make you feel good seeing it and then your friends...just alful.