Thursday, November 08, 2007


Well...let's see. What have I been up to?

Aside from working brutal hours, meeting every deadline, and managing not to call f***heads, well, f***heads, not much.

Today I met a major deadline. Actually, I came in 24 hours early. My boss leaves Saturday for 9 days in New Mexico, so it had to be done Friday. And I had plans for tonight, so I didn't want to have to work. So I just opened a can of whoopass, and it got done!

Tonight's plans weren't exciting -- I cooked and Myfanwe and I tried to create some order in our chaotic home before the cleaning lady comes tomorrow. (I am always afraid that the cleaning lady, who doesn't speak 5 words of English, goes home on Friday and talks about what pigs we are.)

We are having 15 people for Shabbat dinner tomorrow night. (I swear, when I planned this dinner, I must have been temporarily insane.) In the past we have had to limit guests to 7, because our dining table only seats 10. So we went out and bought two folding banquet tables at Target. Set at each end of the big table like a capital I, they increase the seating to 18. Woo hoo! The tables will come in handy for Thanksgiving and Rosh Hashanah, as well. (Does anyone need a place for Thanksgiving dinner?)

Even with the extra hours, I managed to knit two rows on the Swallowtail Shawl every night...until tonight. I had to clean. But Saturday and Sunday I will knit six rows each, I promise. I think I only have 18 rows of the main body of the shawl left -- then the lily of the valley border, which will be a nice change. I hope to have it done for my friend Nancy's birthday in January.

Must go. Must sleep. Later!


roseygirl said...

Just stopping by to say hello I have been so slack lately with my own blog and also stopping by the blogs linked from mine, so I am trying to fix that :)

Bonne Marie said...

Hi Aidan!

You are cracking me up—I thought I was the only one who *cleaned* before the cleaning folks came...

I guess I must be thinkin' there must be some public water cooler where everybody goes later and exclaims: "Did you see the size of the Dust Bunnies in that chick's place? OMG!"