I was not at my hosting best. I had been away Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Wisconsin, attending our Congregational retreat. Great fun. And Norbert impressed me so...he lead the congregation in the Ashrei, not a small feat for a reserved 8-year old! I'm so proud!
OK -- so back to the SnB. We rushed home from work, I made a quick pot of tom yum soup for dinner, then raced around to set things up. I quickly discovered the big package of Trader Joe's Bay Blend Decaf had gone a.w.o.l. -- I still haven't found it -- so I only had tea to serve my guests.
I had, before going to bed Sunday night, thrown together a batch of mincemeat bar cookies -- most delectable -- so I had that to share. Everyone else brought things to eat as well, so nobody died of hunger.

We ate a lot, we knit a lot, and we laughed more than anything! Everyone was in a good mood, and we didn't have to be quiet, as we normally would at Border's Cafe.

We listened to Franklin Habit's contribution to the Cast-On podcast, which resonated with many of us.

My friends who do not knit do not understand how social an activity knitting is -- or how much fun people can have talking about knitting.

If the true meaning of Christmas is that of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All, we did our part to make peace in Hyde Park. That has to count for something. Of course, I'm Jewish, so it probably doesn't count. But it feels good nonetheless.
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