Sunday, January 22, 2006


...How you gonna make a dream come true?

I know I'm not alone in playing the "If I Won the Lottery" game. It can be a lot of fun -- those sometimes with a sad edge. It's fun to think of the wonderful things you'd do for your kids if you could, but it hurts just a bit to know that you'll never be able to.

I still play. In my house it's called "The Kabillion Dollar Lottery Game" and I play it more and better than anyone in the family. Myfanwe hates the game -- for her it only holds visions of the things she can never give. Norbert plays along, but I sometimes think he feels bad that MY dreams don't come true.

So today I happened upon a very nice dream, should I win a kabbillion dollars. A lovely little private island off the coast of Scotland with plenty of land for a small flock of sheep and a coop of chickens. Wouldn't it be the perfect place for a combination B&B and knitter/spinner/weaver's retreat? Think of those stables fit out as individual worshops! And knitting and spinning round those fireplaces? My dreams of Wee Cumbra are very detailed. Cakes made with fresh eggs...sheep shearing...the bleating of newborn lambs...mutton stew...all for the low, low price of three million pounds sterling. Sigh.

I must retire now. To sleep; perchance to dream.

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