Here is a picture from Tuesday's Stitch n Bitch at the Museum of Contemporary Art. I counted 68 people, but a few more straggled in after that. I'm sorry it is so dark, but in order to get everyone in, I had to move back, and no flash could be expected to light a room that big!

I am finished with preparations for the Opening Ceremonies of the Knitting Olympics. Pictured is the yarn reclaimed from a mammouth UFO -- a king-sized blanket I knit in stripes and never put together. My project for the Olympics is to knit as many pairs of Fiber Trends felted clogs as I can in the alloted time. (We have a decidedly Asian aesthetic in our home, and I want to keep a trunk of slippers so guests will feel comfortable removing their street shoes and slipping into something comfortable.) If I run out of yarn, I have about 16 balls of KnitPicks worsted I can call up from the Stash.
I've been anticipating the Opening Ceremonies so hotly -- I can hear the Olympic Theme in my head. Bum bum ba bum bum bum bum. Bum bum ba bum bum ba bum ba ba bum ba bum bum. I love heraldic trumpety things. I will be chearing for Wales when the U.K. delegation walks in the stadium!

What an excellent idea for a project. Felted slippers are on my future project list & I look forward to seeing yours.
What an excellent idea for a project. Felted slippers are on my future project list & I look forward to seeing yours.
My parents are both Welsh, from Tredegar, South Wales, I always try to show my support for Wales even though I now live in Canada! I have been trying to make a pot holder with a Welsh Dragon on it but so far no luck, if you have a pattern that I could use that has a Welsh Dragon I could transfer onto own item please let me know. :)
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