Thank you so much to everyone who wrote in with suggestions! I have clogs!

Hot water with cold rinse did the trick. I didn't have the opportunity to go to the laundramant,
but my gentle washer was able to felt them -- it just took three washing cycles to do it. Since it is a front loader and is therefore impossible to open, i put them in on the shortest wash cycle. Each wash I put in a tablespoon or so of liquid soap. I didn't try the baking soda, but may when I do the next pair.
Myfanwe and Norbert are really going to like these, I think. If only they were appropriate for outdoor wear...they go perfectly with the Gryffindor scarves I knit for them!
Last night at the Hyde Park Stitch 'n Bitch I finished the Neverending Effing Wrap! Woo hoo! I've only been working on it for 2 months. 62 inches of a modified 1 x 1 rib (all knit stitches were done into the back of the stitch) that I swear was the most boring thing I have ever worked on. I still have to block the pieces and do the shaping, which is pretty complex. I haven't figured out where I'm going to block the pieces yet. I wish I had a blocking board!
So in order to earn my Olympic Gold I still have to knit and felt one more pair of clogs. I'd better go cast on!
The clogs look great! I'm so glad they felted. What is the wrap? What pattern? Inquiring minds want to know!
Wow. The wrap is done. What a relief, eh? Can't wait to see a picture.
Gee, I feel such a connection to it. As I recall, I was present for the birth. Sort of.
The clogs are faboo. Cozy, yet with flair.
I think, Dear Yonkel, that you were present when my water broke. I feel like I pushed for 8 weeks.
Fantastic! I'm so glad you were able to get them to work; they look great.
They're beautiful! Congrats on a job well done.
Those clogs look great! You've inspired me to try a pair...
Thanks for posting your felting process. I just made my first felted project with Lamb's Pride Bulky and had so-so results on the felting part. I realized, after the fact, that the hot water wash wasn't as hot as it could be, and only ran it through once. Now I know to do a few washings before accepting it. :)
Beautiful clogs! Now I wanna make a pair....
They look great!!
They are cool - warm and toasty looking. =) hope you get your gold =)
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