Friday, May 16, 2008

Day Five

Dinner: Salmon fillets seasoned with Moroccan spices and garlic juice, cooked in our FlavorWave convection oven, steamed broccoli, and rice. Ice cream for Shabbat treat.

Progress: Well, this morning I was told that the tile guy was coming today, not the dry wall guys. But when I got home, this is what I found.

I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the tile guys here today! They got about half of the kitchen proper drywalled. They are coming back tomorrow morning to continue, which means that tomorrow we could have the entire kitchen and possibly the pantry and Norbert's new hallway done. That would be most excellent.

It's starting to look like a kitchen, isn't it?

They got the hole for the air conditioner framed in, so you can see where it will be. And before you e-mail me that it should have been centered on the wall, realize that it had to be moved to the left because in the corner to the right will be a cabinet that pulls out to store oils and vinegars and various and sundry liquids. We want to be able to use that puppy!

We've made it through our first (work) week of construction, and aside from the $2500 electrical surprise and the dirt and dust and inconvenience and washing dishes in the tub and having to go into 4 different rooms to gather the necessities for making salmon, it hasn't been too bad.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

So who says the air conditioner has to be centered? I thought it looked great asymmetrically placed on the wall. But I have a question. Does that little sliding window on top of the door really work? kewllll :)